
St. Louis, MO –Beckwood Press Company expands their stretch forming line to include standard extrusion stretch forming machines. In addition to their custom extrusion and sheet stretch forming presses, Triform now offers 7 standard extrusion models which are commonly used to replace existing Hufford machines.

With models ranging from 5 – 75 tons, jaw sizes from 4-in. to 8-in., and max distances up to 270-in., this line provides an array of choices for parts of all sizes. Designed specifically for users of Hufford stretch-wrap machines to use their existing form dies, this line capitalizes on the modern, programmable technology inherent in new machinery as well as rapid, readily-available service and support.

All Triform extrusion stretch forming machines offer synced or independent arm actuation with a closed-loop control system for precise and accurate tension and angle control during operation. With programmable pressure, positional cycles, and recipes, complete control and repeatability is ensured. The arms warrant uniformed tension providing the ultimate consistence and repeatability, which reduces scrap from the initial development to production. which minimizes wrinkles and breakage.

“There are many Huffords still in operation today, but component availability, serviceability, and skilled operators are becoming increasingly difficult to find,” said Beckwood sales manager, Caleb Dixon. “This standard line provides a solution to all of those common challenges and provides an advanced option that our customers know they can rely on to support their operation for many years to come.”

See the Standard Model List